{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
{-# OPTIONS --with-K #-}
module Pat.Denotational where

open import Data.Bool.Base using (Bool; true; false; if_then_else_)
open import Data.Empty using (; ⊥-elim)
open import Data.Maybe.Base using (Maybe; just; nothing)
open import Data.Nat.Base using (; suc; zero; _≥‴_; ≤‴-refl; ≤‴-step)
open import Data.Product.Base as P using (_×_; proj₁; proj₂)
open import Data.Unit.Base using (; tt)
open import Data.Sum.Base as S using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂)
open import Function.Base using (id; _∘_; case_of_)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Core using (_≡_; refl; cong; sym)

open import Pat.Context
open import Pat.Term
open import Pat.Depth
open import Pat.Matching
open import Pat.Rewriting
open import Pat.Substitution

-- Interpretation of Types, indexed by a later-stage context
⟦_⟧ : Type n  Context (suc n)  Set
 [ Δ  A ]⇒ B  Γ =  {Γ′}  Subst Γ Γ′   A  (Γ′ ++ Δ)   B  Γ′
 Δ  A  Γ =  A  (Γ ++ Δ)
 `Bool  Γ = Bool
  A  Γ = Term (suc _) Γ A

-- The Kripkean interpretation of the function type allows us to substitute by a later-stage substitution
subst⟦_⟧ :  A  Subst Γ₁ Γ₂   A  Γ₁   A  Γ₂
subst⟦ [ Δ  A ]⇒ B  σ f = λ σ′ d  f (substSubst σ′ σ) d
subst⟦ Δ  A  σ d = subst⟦ A  (exts++ Δ σ) d
subst⟦ `Bool  σ b = b
subst⟦  A  σ e = subst σ e

-- Interpretation of Contexts i.e. Environments, again indexed by a later-stage context
G⟦_⟧  : Context n  Context (suc n)  Set
G⟦   Γ′ = 
G⟦ Γ ,[ Δ  A ^ m≥n ]  Γ′ = G⟦ Γ  Γ′ × (case m≥n of λ {
    ≤‴-refl   {Γ″}  Subst Γ′ Γ″  G⟦ Δ  Γ″   A  Γ″;
    (≤‴-step m≥sn)  Γ′ ⊩[ Δ  A ^ m≥sn ]

lookupG : G⟦ Γ  Γ′   {Δ} {A}  Γ ∋[ Δ  A ^ ≤‴-refl ]    {Γ″}  Subst Γ′ Γ″  G⟦ Δ  Γ″   A  Γ″
lookupG {Γ = Γ ,[ _ ^ _ ]} γ Z = γ .proj₂
lookupG {Γ = Γ ,[ _ ^ _ ]} γ (S x) = lookupG (γ .proj₁) x

_↾ᴳ : G⟦ Γ  Γ′  Subst (Γ ) Γ′
_↾ᴳ {Γ = } tt = 
_↾ᴳ {Γ = Γ ,[ Δ  A ^ ≤‴-refl ]} γ = γ .proj₁ ↾ᴳ
_↾ᴳ {Γ = Γ ,[ Δ  A ^ ≤‴-step m≥n ]} γ = (γ .proj₁ ↾ᴳ) , γ .proj₂

liftS : Subst Γ Γ′  G⟦ inject₁ Γ  Γ′
liftS  = tt
liftS (σ , item) = liftS σ P., item

-- The Kripkean arrow allows environments to be substituted
substG : Subst Γ₁ Γ₂  G⟦ Γ  Γ₁  G⟦ Γ  Γ₂
substG {Γ = } σ γ = tt
substG {Γ = Γ ,[ _ ^ ≤‴-refl ]} σ (γ P., f) = substG σ γ P., λ σ′   f (substSubst σ′ σ)
substG {Γ = Γ ,[ Δ  A ^ ≤‴-step m≥n ]} σ (γ P., term e) = substG σ γ P., term (subst (exts++ Δ (exts↾≥ m≥n σ)) e)
substG {Γ = Γ ,[ Δ  A ^ ≤‴-step m≥n ]} σ (γ P., var x) = substG σ γ P., lookup σ x

extG : G⟦ Γ  Γ′  G⟦ Γ ,[ Δ  A ^ ≤‴-step m≥n ]  (Γ′ ,[ Δ  A ^ m≥n ])
extG γ = substG (lift S) γ P., var Z

extG++ :  Δ  G⟦ Γ  Γ′  G⟦ Γ ++ inject₁ Δ  (Γ′ ++ Δ)
extG++  γ = γ
extG++ (Δ ,[ _  _ ^ _ ]) γ = extG (extG++ Δ γ)

⊩-castʳ : Δ  Δ′  Γ  Δ  Γ  Δ′
⊩-castʳ refl = id

liftG : Rename Γ Γ′  G⟦ inject₁ Γ  Γ′
liftG {Γ = } ρ = tt
liftG {Γ = Γ ,[ _ ^ _ ]} ρ = liftG (ρ  S) P., var (ρ Z)

single⟦_⟧ : (A : Type n)   A  (Γ′ ++ Δ)   {Γ″}  Subst Γ′ Γ″  G⟦ inject₁ Δ  Γ″   A  Γ″
single⟦ A  d σ γ = subst⟦ A  (σ ++ˢ ⊩-castʳ (inject₁-↾ _) (γ ↾ᴳ)) d

_∪_ : G⟦ Γ  Γ′  G⟦ Δ  Γ′  G⟦ Γ ++ Δ  Γ′
_∪_ {Δ = } γ₁ γ₂ = γ₁
_∪_ {Δ = Δ ,[ Δ′  A ^ m≥n ]} γ₁ γ₂ = (γ₁  γ₂ .proj₁) P., γ₂ .proj₂

-- Interpretation of Expressions and Substitutions
E⟦_⟧ : Term n Γ A  G⟦ Γ  Γ′   A  Γ′
S⟦_⟧ : Subst Δ Γ  G⟦ Γ  Γ′  G⟦ Δ  Γ′

E⟦ ` x `with σ  γ = (lookupG γ x) (lift id) (S⟦ σ  γ)
E⟦ `true  γ = true
E⟦ `false  γ = false
E⟦ `if e₁ `then e₂ `else e₃  γ = if E⟦ e₁  γ then E⟦ e₂  γ else E⟦ e₃  γ
E⟦ `λ⟨_⟩_ {A = A} Δ e₁  γ = λ σ d  E⟦ e₁  (substG σ γ P., single⟦ A  d)
E⟦ e₁ · e₂  γ = E⟦ e₁  γ (lift id) (E⟦ e₂  (extG++ _ γ))
E⟦  e   γ = subst (γ ↾ᴳ) e
E⟦ `let⟨ Δ  e₁ e₂  γ = let e = E⟦ e₁  (extG++ Δ γ) in E⟦ e₂  (γ P., term e)
E⟦ `wrap Δ e  γ = E⟦ e  (extG++ Δ γ)
E⟦ `letwrap {A = A} Δ e₁ e₂  γ = let d = E⟦ e₁  γ in E⟦ e₂  (γ P., single⟦ A  d)
E⟦ `iflet⟨_⟩ {Π = Π} Δ p e₁ e₂ e₃  γ =
  let e = E⟦ e₁  (extG++ Δ γ) in
  case match (substPattern (γ ↾ᴳ) p) e of λ {
    (just σ)  E⟦ e₂  (γ  liftS σ);
    nothing  E⟦ e₃  γ }
E⟦ `rewritȩ p e₁ e₂  γ = rewritȩ (substPattern (γ ↾ᴳ) p) (E⟦ e₁  (extG++ _ γ)) (E⟦ e₂  γ)

S⟦   γ = tt
S⟦ _,_ {m≥n = ≤‴-refl} σ (term e)  γ = S⟦ σ  γ P., λ σ′ γ′  E⟦ e  ((substG σ′ γ)  γ′)
S⟦ _,_ {m≥n = ≤‴-refl} σ (var x)  γ = S⟦ σ  γ P., lookupG γ x
S⟦ _,_ {m≥n = ≤‴-step m≥sn} σ (term e)  γ = S⟦ σ  γ P., term (subst (exts++ _ (exts↾≥ m≥sn (γ ↾ᴳ))) e)
S⟦ _,_ {m≥n = ≤‴-step m≥sn} σ (var x)  γ = S⟦ σ  γ P., lookup (γ ↾ᴳ) (∋-↾⁺ x)

-- Evaluation under a later-stage context
eval : Term n (inject₁ Γ) A   A  Γ
eval e = E⟦ e  (liftG id)

-- Some tests from the Examples module
test₁ : eval {n = 0} {Γ = } (`if `true `then `true `else `false)  true
test₁ = refl

test₂ : eval {n = 0} {Γ = } (`let⟨    `true   `if (` Z `with ) `then `true `else `false )  (`if `true `then `true `else `false)
test₂ = refl

test₃ : eval {n = 0} {Γ = } (`let⟨  ,[ ( , `Bool ^ 1)  `Bool ^ ≤‴-refl ]  (`let⟨     `true   ` S Z `with ( , var Z) )  `true )  (`true)
test₃ = refl

test₄ :  eval {n = 0} {Γ = } (`let⟨  ,[ ( , `Bool ^ 1)  `Bool ^ ≤‴-refl ]  (`let⟨    `true   ` S Z `with ( , var Z) ) (`let⟨  , `Bool ^ 1   `if ` Z `with  `then `true `else `false  (`let⟨    `false   ` S (S Z) `with ( , var (S Z)))))  (`if `true `then `true `else `false)
test₄ = refl

test₅ : eval {n = 0} {Γ = } (`let⟨  , `Bool ^ 1   `if (` Z `with ) `then `true `else `false  (`let⟨    `true   ` S Z `with ( , var Z)  ))  (`if `true `then `true `else `false)
test₅ = refl